February 15, 2019
innovation bootcamp

Growkomp 2.0: Building Innovation Connectivity Across Regional Business Ecosystems

Successful innovations happen in clusters, with people coming together to break down barriers, share
November 21, 2018
innovation analytics

How to Avoid Innovation Blockers and Activate Amplifiers

There is a sweet spot in the market where your organization, and only your organization, can outperform...
November 19, 2018

How to Run Ideation Campaigns that Generate Real Value

Idea campaigns are all based on the simple concept that the more people who contribute ideas, the better. It is sometimes also referred to...
November 5, 2018

Innovation Is Not Mad Science, It’s Good Science

One of the most common misconceptions about innovators is that they reach their ideas through lightning-strike inspiration
November 4, 2018

A Structured Cultural Approach Managing Uncertainty

Culture is like a operating system that runs in the background and defines what is possible. When it works, we don’t usually think about it...
October 16, 2018

Stop the Innovation Theatre

Too many ideas? Many organizational leaders find this to be just as frustrating as not having enough. The challenge lies in capturing
October 1, 2018
innovation 360

Pop management consulting is a pop version of itself

In a recent article, CBInsigts writes that the industries that have proven most vulnerable to disruption have been...
September 23, 2018

A Strong Culture Is Its Own Incentive for Innovation

Over the years I have seen many attempts at incentive programs for innovation. It’s no secret that they fail most of the time...
September 21, 2018

Bringing better Ideas to market faster with AI

Too many ideas? Many organizational leaders find this to be just as frustrating as not having enough. The challenge lies in capturing...
September 11, 2018

Master Ideation with this Checklist

The process of realising innovation rarely happens in a linear manner. Our research has shown that radical innovators
July 5, 2018

Innovation by numbers: Lessons to learn from the CIA and Netflix

Back in 2011, we were wondering how to develop the first hypothesis in the large and very complex assignments...
June 20, 2018

Co-creating volume 3

Now we start the work co-creating volume 3 of the Complete Guide to business Innovation...
May 2, 2018

Growkomp project yields a promising model for regional transformation projects

Average growth of orderbook by 25%, and average renenue growth 12% in GrowKomp
April 14, 2018

Unlearning Is the New Learning

Take a moment right now to put everything on pause and visualize the person you were a decade ago.
March 22, 2018

How SOS Alarm applied a structured process to their hackathon

At the award event that concluded the SOS Alarm hackathon, CEO Maria Khorsand announced that the company...
March 22, 2018

How SOS Alarm applied a structured process to their Hackathon

At the award event that concluded the SOS Alarm hackathon, CEO Maria Khorsand announced that the company would move forward...
March 22, 2018

IL Master Class: Innovation by the Numbers

In Innovation Leaders recent Master Class, “Innovation by the Numbers,” we explored how...
March 22, 2018

ISO will celebrate the first baseline of the Innovation Management System Standards ISO/TS 50500 and others in Stockholm, May 2019

Last week, March 12-16, ISO/TC 279 held a plenary meeting hosted by British Standards Institute, BSI, in London...
March 1, 2018

ISO 56000 Guidelines on Innovation Management: Updates and the Road Ahead

Innovation took a significant step toward becoming a mature at the Tokyo ISO 56000 working meeting
March 1, 2018

The Constancy of Change and the Path to Continuous Value Creation

Overly simplified models of the world lead inevitably to inadequate conclusions...
February 24, 2018

Managing Change Despite Uncertainty

Even if you know what your customers want now, how do you know what they will...
February 21, 2018

Innovation by the numbers, the secret source in UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Vision 2021 is one of the most ambitious innovation visions on the planet...
February 17, 2018

Fashion Industry as a circular business model

Young plant growth in lady shoe, recycle concept. “I think the biggest innovations of the 21st...
February 2, 2018

Client Case: Green Innovation of the Paper Industry

At last year’s GADDEN Conference, one of the top career fairs for business, law...
December 12, 2017

The EU Sustainability Directive Is Setting a New Global Standard for Business Practices

US innovators and investor are closely watching the drama of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (Regulation 2016/679/EU), covering corporate responsibility for protecting...