Ideation Platform & Innovation Sprints

Ideation Platform & Innovation Sprint

  • Innovation360’s ideation360 platform has evolved into transformation360, introducing a comprehensive upgrade to the company’s innovation management offerings. This transformation integrates the powerful ideation tools from ideation360 into a more holistic and robust innovation platform.
    Key improvements include:
  • Innovation Playbook Integration: The Playbook serves as a comprehensive guide, combining structured development methodologies with creative ideation. It aids in driving strategic growth by providing
  • frameworks and best practices to commercialize ideas​.
  • Advanced Dashboard Features: Transformation360’s interactive dashboard facilitates real-time tracking and management, ensuring no idea is overlooked. It allows organizations to cluster, test, and vetideas efficiently, accelerating the innovation process.
    Enhanced Methodologies: Incorporating industry-standard metrics like Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) and Stage Gates helps organizations evaluate the maturity and viability of their projects​.

The launch of transformation360 marks a pivotal advancement in ideation and innovation management, positioning organizations to seamlessly guide concepts from initial stages to commercial success. This comprehensive upgrade not only sets new benchmarks in the industry but also ensures that teams can manage ideas more strategically through collaboration, structured processes, and innovation sprints.


Succeeding with ideation

Discover success with ideation through the power of Ideation360’s dynamic approach. Our method embraces a non-linear process, clustering and refining ideas in ways that lead to unanticipated, innovative solutions. In the spirit of fostering a continuous feedback loop, we prioritize keeping ideators engaged throughout the journey, no matter the fate of the idea. We also encourage collaboration – both internally and with external parties. Ideation360’s instantly created contribution sites, optimized for a mobile-first experience, provide the perfect platform for nurturing and growing these collaborations.

Innovation Process

Experience the impact of Ideation360’s SaaS ideation management platform. Driven by AI-powered software, our platform facilitates the collection, clustering, and linking of ideas to strategic initiatives on any device – be it mobile, desktop, or tablet. Coupled with our robust Innovation Sprint methodology, we empower you to navigate any problem, crafting solutions within an impressive 6 to 10 week timeline.


The result? Vetted breakthrough ideas primed for development and commercial success. This unique approach also promotes enhanced engagement within your organization and amongst external stakeholders. Choose Ideation360, and redefine your innovation journey today.


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