Play Bold: Magnus Penker with guests

Let Magnus Penker and friends inspire you to tackle innovation and growth. We are getting back on track in the podcast series Play Bold, as we ramp up for the launch of Magnus Penkerís new book Play Bold: How to Win the Business Game through Creative Destruction. In this episode, editor Alinka Rutkowska interviews Magnus about the new series. They discuss the guests and reveal the true stories behind the events described in the book. The podcast is full of humor, secrets that cannot be printed, and thought-provoking statements from world-leading thinkers, Hollywood producers, creative artists, CEOs, professors, and many others! Welcome to Play Bold!


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Recent Play Bold Podcast Episodes

Play Bold: Holiday Special

It has been 17 fantastic interviews with NASA executives, space designers, priests, Islamic leadership experts, super entrepreneurs, professors from the world-leading universities, Hollywood folks, authors, and experts on innovation and transformations, as well as corporate executives.

Play Bold: Create your resume of failure

If you want to learn how to get executives to open up and engineers to be playful, and how to really learn from mistakes, going beyond what you thought was possible, this is the episode for you.

Play Bold: Inside the brain of an entrepreneur

This 30-minute podcast might change your life. Get ready for a deep dive into entrepreneurship, the mind of an entrepreneur, and how entrepreneurship is going to save the world.

Play Bold: Islamic leadership in getting together

Di Siti, a leading expert in Islamic leadership with wisdom spanning multiple sectors and a message of unity, togetherness, and awareness of how our actions affect the population of the entire planet, answers questions in Play Bold.

Play Bold: Swing hard and grow with new roles

Tonight, we have Jens Saltin, who made an unbelievable career staring in the early days at Klarna, today Europe’s higher valued FinTech Company, ending up in the global team, and now decided to start up his entrepreneurial career.

Play Bold: Art has been hijacked by critics

Tonight we have the bestselling writer, Oscar-nominated producer, the creative veteran, and the businessman Michael Hjorth as a guest.

Play Bold: How sport and art puts light on board work

Tonight LG Frojd is my guest. He is the sports teacher who became a global advisor and sounding board for companies such as Astra Zeneca, as well as the foundation of Piet Hein, the Scandinavia’s most famous designer.

Play Bold: Designing space underwear for Richard Branson

From Urbanauts, space yogurt, Thunderwear, leading the space week at the Swedish pavilion, during EXPO 2020 in Dubai, Cecilia Hertz has impacted the way we live…

Play Bold: Envision the future like Medici

Maurizio Grassi is a former innovation professor, experienced management consultant, serial entrepreneur and..

Play Bold: Bring African Ubuntu to the table

Isaiah C. Engelbrecht, member of the South African National Advisory Council of Innovation and the executive…

Play Bold: The Theological approach

Meet the theologist Louise Callnberg, trained to be a priest, saddled to be the digital transformer creating interlinked regional…

Play Bold: Bolder Leaders of our Time

The award-winning Stanford, Harvard, Rise, and Northwestern Professor Dr. Lynn W. Phillips epical interview where he discussed…

Play Bold: Whose story are you?

In this episode, Magnus Penker interviews the Hollywood producer, actor, performance artist, and Parsons New School Professor…

Play Bold: Moonshot Projects with John Saiz

In this episode, we listen to John Saiz, former CTO of the Johnson Space Center, who explains what itís like to send people into space…

Play Bold: The ride to the next level

How do you build an electric motorcycle that can be composted but can still be an icon for the fashionable set…

Play Bold: The Excellence of innovation José Pires

Mr. José Pires give his perspective of the “I love myself” wall, what it felt like to be confronted by his new Japanese boss on his first day at…

Play Bold: Special guest the brain of the Year Professor Leif Edvinsson

What can we learn from the space race between the former Soviet Union and the US…