CEO's Choice
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Thanks for your interest in Innovation360 Group.
Everyday we are using the power of innovation to challenge the possible. We are proving that innovation is a predictable science and that with the right mindset, capabilities and leadership, you can reach much farther than you can dare to imagine and even on the frontier of innovation – mitigate the uncertainty.
Below you will find my latest favorite pieces diving deeper into this topic. I hope you enjoy!

Navigating the New World Order Webinar
We are facing a historically challenging situation. A situation that, in some respects, bears a resemblance to the Spanish flu (1918-1920) and prior to this, the spread of cholera in 1820 and onward. Magnus Penker, one of the world’s leading experts on radical innovation and transformation, residing in New York, leads governmental and organizational transition. He advises, with his team at Innovation360, in 45 countries. The assignments are focused around taking control of the current situation at hand, being creative, and motivating and inspiring. Magnus and his team have been hired by several governments, the military, and 10% of the world’s largest 100 companies in the world.
Fix The Planet Webinar
How to source the big ideas – that’s the question. Follow our international team of thought leaders, headed by Gerry Purcell and how they generated ideas over several loops, which were vetted by experts, that potentially could solve some of the global issues running #fixtheplanet using #innovation360 state-of-the-art methodology and the #ideation360 AI platform for sourcing ideas.