Innovation Sprint
How do I get many good ideas fast and engage my organization and/or customers at the same time?
We have an intricate understanding of the full value chain from one miniscule idea to a commercialized offer.
We know that the problem does not lie within the idea collection, it is about the why, where and how to reach the solution that touch people´s soul.
Our hackathons use the most sophisticated methods in the World to turn small ideas into large viable innovations.
- Identify one real problem you want to solve
- Enroll a diverse group of internal and external individuals to engage
- Create a communication plan on how to drive online engagement
- Set up a fully customized web landing page
- Launch an online ideation campaign for collecting ideas
- Leverage non-linear ideation which identifies patterns from many distinct ideas to form clusters, re-iterate the campaign from the cluster and let big ideas emerge
- Jointly, leverage and use the big ideas to run one online hackathon to test the ideas