The circumference of a circle has an infinite number of points but it is bounded. If you move in a 360° arc, you will return to your starting point, but with a complete view of the area you have circumscribed. While the number of fascinating points along that arc is functionally infinite, what matters most is what’s on the inside.
Successful new value creation can only be understood through a careful evaluation of what makes an organization unique. This is a difficult task, since people’s perceptions get in the way of fair evaluation. Therefore both quantitative and qualitative descriptions are necessary before you can find the right insights and make the right decisions around how to build your innovation capability.
Magnus Penker’s insights into the nature of innovation forms the heart of Innovation 360 Group’s methodology. The analytic tool InnoSurvey® and its conclusions are not just theoretical but immensely practical. Magnus has launched 10 start-ups and acquired, turned around and sold more than 30 enterprises based on his theories and insights.
Today InnoSurvey® is a globally used and leading analytic tool. Its databases of innovation management contain data from more than +5,000 organizations in 105 countries. Presentations by Penker on topics like the Three Innovation Horizons place him out on the forefront of global thought leadership concerning the business implications of the radically new. His combination of business results and thought leadership has made him a highly sought-after speaker at international business schools, associations, conferences and institutions around the world.
In 2016, Penker was honored to speak at the 8th Annual Drucker Forum, in Drucker’s hometown of Vienna, Austria. The Global Peter Drucker Forum is an international management conference dedicated to the management philosophy of Peter Drucker, who lived from 1909 to 2005. Drucker was a management professor, writer and consultant, and was frequently referred to as a management guru.
As a result of these achievements Penker has been honored with the Business Worldwide Magazine award as the ‘Most Innovative CEO Sweden 2016’ and appointed as a ’Global Top 100 CEO’ by CEO Monthly year 2018.
To engage with a wider audience, Innovation360 has codified Penker’s knowledge and insights, reaching out to the world through client assignments and Licensed Practitioners in 45 countries. As part of that outreach initiative, Innovation360 has partnered with global players, such as Internal Consulting Group, to bundle innovation with blockchain development, artificial intelligence, digitisation and brand reputation management.
Penker and Innovation360 excel at simplifying the complexity of chaotic global markets where industries are being disrupted and reshaped at an unprecendented rate. By optimizing their competencies, the businesses’ hone their chance of redefining their own industries.
As a result of these achievements he has been honored with the Business Worldwide Magazine award as the ‘Most Innovative CEO Sweden 2016’ and appointed as a Global Top 100 CEO by CEO Monthly year 2018.
To engage with a wider audience, Innovation360 has codified Penker’s knowledge and insights, reaching out to the world through client assignments and licensed practitionersin 28 countries. As part of that outreach initiative, Innovation360 has partnered with global players, such as Internal Consulting Group, to bundle innovation with blockchain development, artificial intelligence, digitisation and brand reputation management.
Featured videos on Magnus Penker
Magnus Penker on Innovation
(Subtitled in English)
Adapt or die. That’s a summation of the evolutionary theory known as the Red Queen Effect. Under certain environmental conditions, some organisms must remain in a state of continuously adaptation or their entire species will face extinction. That’s eerily similar to the situation faced by organizations trying to stay profitable under the current global economic picture. Innovate or be disrupted.
Drucker Forum 2016
(On Innovation Management)
The Global Peter Drucker Forum is an international management conference dedicated to the management philosophy of Peter Drucker. Drucker, who lived from 1909 to 2005, was a management professor, writer, and consultant, frequently referred to as a ‘Management Guru’. The Forum is held annually in November, in Drucker’s home town of Vienna, Austria and is put on by the Peter Drucker Society Europe, an affiliate of the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University.
How Ready are you
to Innovate
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce proudly invited top executives and influencers to this exclusive workshop held at the Swedish embassy in Washington DC in cooperation with the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Magnus Penker and Peet van Biljon.
Book Magnus Penker as Speaker
Magnus Penker is a seasoned speaker, top consultant and awarded entrepreneur inspiring beyond what’s perceived as possible, that with an unparalleled level of energy, knowledge, and curiosity. As the CEO of Scandinavia’s largest association for entrepreneurs, I can recommend Magnus Penker as an inspirational speaker, facilitator and executive consultant for high-level assignments within the fields of innovation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. Our members, the backbone of the Scandinavian hotbed of unicorns and tech companies, as well as Founders Alliance, appreciate and frequently engage Magnus as speaker, facilitator, and consultant for top level events. I acknowledge Magnus as the Scandinavian rising star of thought innovation and disruption leadership.
– Niclas Carlsson, CEO Founders Alliance
We at CLOSE, one of Scandinavia’s leading executive network, have had the privilege of hearing the innovation-thought leader Magnus Penker lecture and inspire us at several of our chief executive meetings. Magnus is always prepared, and he always gives 110% of his effort. He is very professional with regard to executing a plan, and he goes beyond the call of duty to deliver the highest possible standards. He is an exceptional speaker with extensive knowledge of and personal experiences within the field of innovation and business transformation. Due to his genuine interest in helping businesses change and improve, he inspired participants in our meetings, giving them new insights that enabled them become more innovative and take new steps. He has received the highest ratings from our participants. Magnus is a great person to work with, and he always strives to create a good atmosphere and provide the best information for all stakeholders.
– Kristin Forsberg, Director CLOSE
How to Win the Business Game Through Creative Destruction
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate, entire industries are disappearing or evolving, and the planet itself is facing life-threatening challenges on the grandest scale. Change is happening, whether we like it or not.
Even if your company is doing well today, how can you prepare for sudden shifts and unimaginable risks on the road ahead? How can you plan so that you don’t just manage change, but also drive transformation—and sustainable, future-proof growth?
Magnus Penker, serial entrepreneur and Sweden’s “Most Innovative CEO” has the answers. Magnus has worked with companies across the world, from entrepreneurial scale-ups and unicorns, to Global 500’s, to help them reinvent their value propositions, optimize their operations, and scale-up winning ideas. Along the way, he has seen a few disasters as well, which serve as cautionary tales,
Here are a host of stories from a life of frontlines of business rescue, including his analysis of famous business disasters and personal experiences in saving companies on the verge of collapse. With his one-of-a-kind mix of humor, science and practical insights, Magnus Penker explains how to make continuous innovation work in the real world – and how to play bold to win the game.
Wow! Everything that Magnus says is somewhat contrary to our official positions on successful innovation. I had to read his book. I am glad that I have. His book has a freshness of ideas and a wonderful style of writing and content. Magnus has written previous books on innovation in a more formal style. But this book amounts to sitting down and listening about the logical and emotional work that goes into successful innovation.
– Philip Kotler, Dec 2020
Featured Books
How to Assess and Measure
Business Innovation

Part #1 in the coming 5-volume series ”The Complete Guide To Business Innovation”
Sustainable Growth and Profits: Managing Your Innovation Strategy, Organization, and Initatives

Part #5 in the coming 5-volume series ”The Complete Guide To Business Innovation”
Upcoming Books
The Complete Guide to Business Innovation, 5 volumes