Operational Model
How do I resource allocate and decide on make/buy/acquire/decisions?
Innovation results can be created in your own organization, be bought from a vendor, acquired in an M&A event or in a joint venture. In your own organization, innovation can happen as a continous activity everywhere or in specialized teams. Each path requires its own specific conditions to succeed, and each path may represent its own Operational Model. Regardless of whether there are one or several Operational Models, we make sure you have the most efficient solutions implemented in your organization, to support your strategy and Innovation Management System (IMS).
The Operational Model links your Innovation Management System (IMS) with the strategy of your organization. The IMS consists of governance, processes, organizational infrastructure, and your organization’s capabilities and competencies
The operational model contains descriptions of what the value creation process looks like for different innovation paths, the external ecosystems connected to that path, the mandate the path has in terms of customer interactions, the organizational design if it is centralized, decentralized or integrated and which competence model that is needed.
Furthermore it provides information on how connectivity should function, what the management system is like outside of the IMS governance and finally how budgets are allocated for different innovation paths and value creation processes.

The Operational Model defines how to work with resource and mandate allocation in and across projects as well as in the creation of the funnel of new opportunities. With well-functioning operational models the results created in the innovation process will be taken care of and transferred out into the business in an effective way.
The Operational Model also dictates the creation, vision and goal for Innovation Labs and how to staff your innovation activites.