Financial institutions have been investing in innovation for many years – yet only 6% of CEOs surveyed say they are satisfied with the organization’s efforts. Why is this?
A fundamental gap exists between an organization’s innovation aspiration and capability. Closing this gap has become more important in an environment of disruptive technology, growing regulatory pressures, increasing competition and economic & geopolitical uncertainty.
What can organizations do? Ulysses Partners and Innovation360 have developed tools and methodologies that help firms understand the gaps that exist from data driven insights drawn from the top quartile globally innovative organizations. This event provides financial services organizations with an opportunity to learn about and test the tools and methodologies and how to apply them in their own organizations.
Understand why successful financial services innovation requires a ‘through the cycle’ paradigm
Learn how to approach innovation management as a science that can be embedded into the DNA of an organization drives businesses forward
Data-driven, actionable insights & strategies, based on data from over 5,000 globally innovative organizations
Participants will receive a link to the powerful InnoSurvey® tool, and assess their organization’s innovation capabilities. A free, detailed, individualized report with benchmarks, analyses, and recommendations will await you at the venue. During the event, you will have the opportunity to discuss & compare your findings with expert facilitators and other participants. You will leave with actionable insights for your own organization.