Innovation360 Group®️ Circle in collaboration with Nixon Peabody in New York

New York

Innovation360 Group®️ Circle in collaboration with Nixon Peabody in New York

Innovation 360 Group and Nixon Peabody in New York proudly invite you to attend an insightful talk and workshop on how to succeed at innovation with global experts in the field.
Your participation includes an individual assessment of your innovation capabilities based on an advanced survey.
As a participant, you will receive a detailed, free innovation report with benchmarks, analysis and recommendations for your organization.


5:00pm- Registration and Refreshments

5:30pm- Program

  • Talk on Innovation by Magnus Penker
  • Talk by Richa Naujoks and Allan Cohen
  • Facilitated table discussions by Magnus Penker

6:50pm- 7.30 pm- Networking and Cocktails

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Nixon Peabody is a global 100 law firm with key practices in corporate law, litigation, real estate, finance and intellectual property.  They see 21st century law as a tool to help shape their client’s future by focusing on knowing what is important to their clients and foreseeing obstacles and opportunities in their space to smooth the way.

Magnus Penker is an internationally renowned thought leader on innovation, digitalization and business transformation.  In 2016, Mr. Penker received the Business Magazine award as the ‘Most Innovative CEO Sweden 2016’ and ‘Growth Strategy CEO of the Year Sweden 2016.”  Mr. Penker founded Innovation360 Group, an organization that aids clients in improving their innovation capabilities and value propositions utilizing their AI innovation analytics platform and global innovation management database.


Nixon Peabody’s NYC Office

55 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036 (b/t 5th and 6th)