Innovation360® Licensed Practitioner
Are you an innovation specialist working as a management consultant, an independent business coach, or an internal consultant at a premium firm or global enterprise?
If so, you now have the opportunity to become licensed to use the world’s first 360° innovation analytics tool, the InnoSurvey®. Compliant with the upcoming Innovation Standard ISO/TC 279 and CEN/TC 389, InnoSurvey® will also expand your consulting portfolio to include Ideation360®, the leading ideation platform, and Sherlock, a proprietary deep learning AI platform dedicated to generating insights based on data mining and pattern recognition within the InnoSurvey® innovation database.
Once you achieve global accreditation with Innovation360, you will be able to assess your clients and measure their capabilities and competencies for innovation capabilities, culture, leadership, and strategy. You will be able to assign a customized InnovationIQ score and then offer them the optimal recommendations to get their organizations moving in the right direction.
Further, You will help your clients foster an innovation culture that promotes great ideas and builds out their core market value through portfolio management, business model innovation, and strategic growth initiatives.
Our accredited Innovation360 Licensed Practitioners deploy their expertise within our structured program, from their initial accreditation as a Licensed Practitioner (IMBA Innovation Management Basic Accreditation™) up to the IMBB Innovation Management Black Belt™ designation, through a wide range of services:
- As a segmented report within strategy/analysis assignments with tangible recommendations (on all levels from a team, group to a city or a whole region)
- In the design and implementation of an innovation system, including Governance, Innovation Metrics, the Innovation Process, and the overall design principles of the organization including how to assess and design innovation labs
- For the annual tracking of change programs that build an organization’s capacity (capabilities and competencies) for innovation
- Implementation of the leading Ideation Management Platform, Ideation360®
- Sales training and unique marketing, such as the Innovation360 Group®️ Circle
As an accredited in the Innovation 360 technology stack, you will guide your clients, or internal organization, in continuous improvement and/or radical innovations using a systematic, well-documented, proven, data-driven methodology, templates, and interactive SaaS-based tools.
Among the most valuable components of your new global accreditation status is mastery of the InnoSurvey®, the world’s leading innovation analytics tool, and by far the largest innovation management database. In addition, completing the program ushers you into our global community of Innovation360 Group Licensed Practitioners.
Our network of experts includes independent consultants on the cutting edge of disruptive technology, innovation leaders at premium management consultancy firms, and internal consultants at transnational corporations. You will join them in the fight to bring great ideas to life.
Leave Us A Message With Details About Your Project And Requirements, And Talk To Our Professionals For Expert Advice.
The Complete Guide to Business Innovation (5 Volumes)
Volume 1 – published
How to Assess and Measure Business Innovation
Assessing and Measuring Innovation is part one in a 5-volume series investigating why some innovations have proven to be exponentially influential and identifying which elements matter most in transforming brilliant ideas into practical ones. Based on hard data from thousands of enterprises and penetrating insights from professional innovation consultants, this volume guides business leaders through a critical selfassessment prior to the launch of any innovative project. The InnoSurvey® introduced in this series represents the world’s largest database on business innovation.
Over the past two decades, Innovation360 founder Magnus Penker has counseled countless enterprises on making innovation profitable, executing digitization and the global implications of new business models. He was recognized as “CEO of the Year” in 2016 for his achievements in Innovation and Growth Strategies. While devoting time to helping others, he successfully launched 10 startups and turned around more than 30 businesses throughout the continent of Europe.
Innovation360’s mission is to support and strengthen the global innovation capability needed to address humanity’s grand challenges: Food, Energy, Water, Security, Global Health, Education, Environment, Poverty and Space; something we share with all our licensed practitioners as well as strive for internally. The aim is, therefore, to help 1 million+ entrepreneurs, companies, executives and scientists to become world-class innovators through our unique innovation measurement tool and database, InnoSurvey®, as a free-to-all digital online service. This is complemented by an enterprise tool and specialist services provided by our consultants, as well as licensed practitioners all over the globe.
The beauty is that the more we do, the more our licensed practitioners do and the more value we provide while earning profits at the same time. This allows us to invest even more in evidence-based innovation management and help millions of entrepreneurs to make the world a better place as they use sustainable innovation solutions to solve the grand challenges facing humanity.
Reviews on Book #1
This is a great investment if you want to learn more about how …
By Peter Glasheen – Sydney, AUSTRALIA on August 22, 2017
Format: Paperback
“I have been working with the methodology in this book and it presents the subject in a very tangible and inspiring way, both for Consultants and for Organisations. I firmly believe that assessing innovation is a key action to take and get the right the right measurement in place. It is one of the first steps to becoming a truly innovative organisation and to maintaining a sustainable portfolio over time. This is a great investment if you want to learn more about how to assess what’s maybe the most important capital of them all, the innovation capital of you organization.”
Impressive guide to the practice of Innovation validated by the largest innovation survey ever conducted
By Richard on August 22. 2017
Format: Paperback
I have been lucky to have access to the final draft of this book and have read it cover to cover, if you are a CEO, a CIO. An Innovation Director or someone who has just ‘got the job’ of managing the innovation portfolio then this is the series for you. Magnus, Sten and Peter have embarked on a full review of the available research around Innovation and have formulated this amazing book series. Volume 1: “How to Assess and Measure Business Innovation” covers far more than their business perspective. This is an evidenced work of impressive scope packed into a very readable format. This will become your well thumbed reference guide to Innovation and will be my constant companion until volume two comes out! Buy it and take control of your innovation portfolio.
If you like to challenge your entrepreneur-ship this is the book
By Niclas Carlsson on August 26, 2017
Format: Paperback
I am driving one of the largest EU based entrepreneurship associations, Founders Alliance incl. Entrepreneurs World Summit where we have members that worked with the presented methodology with very good results. As entrepreneur it is in your DNA to know best, and you need to be determined, and when Magnus Penker, presented his and Innovation360’s methodology, members stated to use it with extraordinary results. Why, simply because you get confronted with fact and inconvenient truth breaking down paradigms and putting the spotlight on what’s matter most to grow. I a truly recommend this first book in the series “The Complete guide to Business Innovation” if you want to challenge statue que in your organization.
It nails down the important part of preparing for real change and how to actually reach the innovation projects goal and not just run big events and hope for the best. Assessing and measuring innovation is a powerful way …
By Tomas on August 28, 2017
Format: Paperback
I have worked with Magnus Penker as a consultant for many years, reading his book about assessing and measuring innovation was a real eye opener for me. It nails down the important part of preparing for real change and how to actually reach the innovation projects goal and not just run big events and hope for the best.
Assessing and measuring innovation is a powerful way to really understand what needs to change to become innovative. I can highly recommend this book to any innovation professional, entrepreneur and business leader that what to get a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving innovation.
Very useful for assessing innovation in a business region As the …
By Claes on August 29, 2017
Format: Paperback
As the head of a business region in Sweden, I have had the privileged to work with the presented methodology running large scale assignments involving over 20 local companies to align strategy with capability driving for innovation and export all over the world. The book explains the concept of assessing and measuring innovation for businesses and regional development in a very clear way and l can recommend it to any executive, entrepreneur or business regional developer for growing their markets. Also looking forward to the coming four volumes in the book series.
Volume 5 – published
Sustainable Growth and Profits: Managing Your Innovation Strategy, Organization, and Initatives
Innovative concepts are like living organisms—they require energy and resources to survive. Innovation can only thrive when it emerges from an organization committed to the growth and sustainability of the enterprise. Instead of thinking of cultivating an innovation in isolation, organizations are more successful when they generate a cluster of innovations, manage them side-by-side, and evaluate how they interact as a portfolio of initiatives. Volume 5, the final volume in this detailed reference series, tackles the changing role of strategy, leadership, transformation, sustainability, and how to manage a balanced portfolio of strategic initiatives.
Innovation360 founder Magnus Penker has counseled countless enterprises on making innovation profitable, executing digitization, and responding to the global implications of new business models. While devoting time to helping others, he successfully launched 10 start-ups and turned around more than 30 businesses throughout Europe. Penker and his colleagues bring their collective wisdom and contemporary examples from well-known corporations to this thought-provoking and game-changing approach to innovation.
“In our degree programme, we aim to give leaders the tools and know-how to innovate and transform their companies & industries. This book is an excellent resource to understand the external influences and internal abilities to do so.”
– Melissa Rancourt, Academic Director of Global Executive Master Degree on Strategic Design & Management at Parsons School of Design.
“This book discusses the critical role that people and organization have in making innovation happen. The text is nicely organized, and it aligns well the emerging ISO/CD 50501 standard/guidance for innovation management.”
– John Saiz, Principal Industrial Fellow at the Univ. of Cambridge and former CTO of NASA JSC.
Reviews on Book #5
An excellent overview of the strategical landscape of innovation
By Christer Berg on April 4, 2018
Format: Paperback
“An excellent overview of the strategical landscape of innovation. Particularly interesting is the sixth chapter which presents a useful structure for analyzing where to innovate in a given situation. In a sense, Magnus Penker and the Innovation 360 Group has innovated the tools for managing innovation.”
A practical guide for Innovation Management
By Paulo on March 6, 2018
Format: Paperback
In this book Magnus Penker explains how to link an innovation strategy with the business strategy and the role of leadership in the deployment of Innovation Initiatives that deliver results.
The approach and methodologies described in the book help organizations obtain innovation results across short, medium and long term.
The book ends with a very interesting reflexion regarding the potential of Artificial Intelligence in innovation management.
Understanding the UPACS of the 21st Century
By Femi-stevens on February 16, 2018
Format: Paperback
In a world in desperate need of sustainability and institutional growth and profit, just like the first installment and more, this is a must-read for innovation practitioners and professionals in general. Deeper insight to data-driven and evidence-based assessment and measurement of innovation capabilities for sustainable growth and profit.
Data Driven and Practical Guide to Innovation
By Jonathan Bean on February 18, 2018
Format: Paperback
Excellent book for innovation professionals and execs tasked with any growth challenge. Instead of the lazy thinking and writing on innovation which is usually derived from a few blog posts or books on design thinking and lean startup this book takes a different approach and is based on real world data from innovation projects in companies worldwide.
An excellent read throughout…
By Munir on August 29, 2017
Format: Paperback
An excellent read throughout.. My favorites have been chapter 5 and 8- truly insightful.
Looking forward to the other volumes in the series.