IMBA Innovation Management Basic Accreditation™ – New York City

New York

Get accredited as an Innovation360 Group Licensed Practitioner and learn how to use the i360 approach: assessment of innovation capabilities with InnoSurvey® to make evidence-based recommendations how an organisation can become more innovative.

InnoSurvey® is the most comprehensive strategic tool for growth and  innovation allowing you to assess innovation capabilities, strategy and culture. You can “test drive” the questionnaire by taking the public poll here. You will also get our framework for innovation systems and training how to  implement this in an organisation.  Also, become part of a strong international community of other Licensed Practitioners to collaborate, learn and promote/develop yourself among the best players in the field.

The Accreditation has the format of a “boot camp” and the following content:

Pre-work consisting of doing a full 360 degree Innovation assessment on a test client with InnoSurvey™. Following our IAR-method (Innovation Analysis with Recommendations) by finding a test client and make an initial Stake holder interview, collect company, financial and participant data and set up and run an assessment in  InnoSurvey®.

The pre-work also consists of reading the first book in our series “the complete guide to Business Innovation”; “How to Assess and Measure Business Innovation“.

  • 3 day in-house training including deepened training on the InnoSurvey® framework, running Innovation assessment, formulation hypotheses, evidence based recommendations and report generation/writing. The training also includes several case studies with training how to analyse and provide evidence-based recommendations from data-driven assessments.
  • How to commercialise the i360 approach.
  • Introduction to a Practitioner Journey – the implementation of recommendations made by using the i360 approach via “Belt Gradings” on these solutions -for example the Ideation360 tool and how to implement an Innovation Management System.

Below: “The Wheel of Innovation” providing 16 “lenses”  on the innovation capabilities. The “Wheel of Innovation” is a Registrered Community Design (EU) nr: 003165554-0001. In this testimonial you can watch australian Licensed Practitioner Peter Glasheen explain the Wheel of Innovation with a real live example

innovation management system

If you are interested to apply to an InnoSurvey® Accreditation


Apply Here


Jan 20, 2020


Jan 21, 2020


Jan 22, 2020


Licensed Practitioner
Testimonial – Alan Costello

Licensed Practitioner
Testimonial-John Saiz

Licensed Practitioner
Testimonial – Evrim Bayam