Will VR disrupt Reality?


David Roberts, former Special Agent and Singularity University faculty member, made an interesting example of possible disruption, when comparing the steady, linear improvement of how we experience reality, with the exponential improvements of VR systems, and tools. Reality is improved by better glasses, better prosthesis, and better smartphones helping us improve our daily lives.

Disruption of an industry, product, or service happens when a new way of solving the job a customer wants to solve by using that industry or service is so much better, cheaper, or more easily accessible that the development curve of the industry, product, or services, cross the development curve of the old industry, product or service.  And growth continues. Illustrated by the Disruptive Innovation curve from Clayton Christensens Innovators Dilemma.

Eventually VR will be that good, easily accessible, and cheap, and what will then happen to travel (walk around the The Alcázar of Seville without the crowds)? What will happen to eating (binge VR carbs and sugars, while the perfect nutritional mix for you is supplied in IV)?

Sound like science fiction?

When Magic Leap was raising their second round of funding last year they invited potential investors up to a table set with two cups of coffee. Then they asked prospective investors to pick the real cup. They raised $ 542 million that day, most of it from Google.

Agnes & Martin on our way home from Singularity Summit Spain.